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Katy Bird is a UK based visual artist who specialises in photography as a medium to address social and political issues in contemporary society. Her work is mostly based around gender issues and giving a voice to women in society who are stigmatised against. She is a member of the Women’s Equality Party and advocates for equality and feminist issues. She is currently studying at the University of South Wales and is due to graduate in the summer of 2021.

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This project explores a common stigmatisation of women who don’t have children as ‘incomplete’ and ‘not real women’. More women in western societies are choosing to not have children for a number of reasons, ranging from financial instability to hereditary disease. 


There are many common misconceptions about women who choose to not have children- that they will miss out on a full life experience or live a meaningless life of regret.


Although western society can generally be seen to be progressing in regard to women’s independence, there remains a great pressure on women to get married and have children. I have been photographing a number of women who I found on online platforms that are dedicated to making a community with other women who are childfree by choice.

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